The average temperature of 25°C in Nice allows tourists to visit it all year round. Because of the temperature, travellers prefer to be close to the sea so that they can sunbathe without a burn on the skin in the area.

White sand sports in Nice

For a family trip, there are always activities to plan so as not to die of boredom. In general, groups such as a family or company personnel opt for team sports in this type of situation. For activities on white sand, the best beach in Nice is open to the public. The small companies around the beach all offer useful services such as catering, accommodation and even aquagym coaching for those interested in this sport. This sport is dedicated to all members of the family, big or small. Beach volleyball is also the most practiced. This sport requires a lot of energy and therefore it is only dedicated to the young members of the family. It is played barefoot as the white sand is soft for the feet.

Sports on pebble beach

For the pebble beaches, walking and gymnastics are the most practiced. The person walking must have shoes on to avoid burning his or her feet. The pebble warms up quickly thanks to the sun's rays. However, if the person wants to walk barefoot on the best beach in Nice, they must wake up early and enjoy the coolness of the morning. Adult gymnastics is made for all types of beaches. The above-mentioned sports do not require a perfect floor quality to be practiced. Therefore, all you need is good footwear to practice them during the day. Many people practice yoga on any beach. On the beach of Nice, there are coaches to initiate families and tourists in this field.

Why choose the beach of Nice

Family trips to Nice are not worthwhile if the beach is not visited. Moreover, the best beach in Nice is not far away as soon as the traveller arrives in town. The companies located near the beach offer everything to tourists. Therefore, they can offer a complete service of travel organization in the places with all the activities that his client is looking for. The sea and the softness of the beach of the places are only a plus compared to the unobstructed view on the sunset of Nice.